How to get college credit for my internship?
First, check with your academic department to see if they accept an internship for credit.
All students are encouraged to participate in an internship at some point during
their studies in order to explore career options and make connections with professionals
in the field.
Is there a limit?
Students have guidelines on how many hours they must participate in the internship
throughout the semester.
If eligible to receive college credit, d
etermine the a
mount of credit hours that
will be accepted and
you desire to earn
. The amount of hours for ea
ch credit hour earned varies by major
Who decides?
It's up to your academic department whether the internship is "for credit" or "not
for credit."
Some internships are paid, but this depends on where you intern.
Complete the academic internship paperwork given to you after you consult
with your department's internship coordinator.
Make sure you ask if your college tuition covers the internship credits.
For more information about earning course credit, contact your academic department's
internship coordinator.